Tuesday, August 25, 2009

ABC Challenge: "B" is for ... Buttons

Over at the ABC Challenge this week they've moved on to the letter "B" and the theme is "buttons." The only buttons I had in my crafting stuff were striped neon pink and lime green chipboard button. Why I had said buttons, I don't know. So I went to my closet, and found a burgundy corduroy button from a jacket and a rosy button from a sweater. I think they match this card pretty well, I just hope I don't need them later. LOL. They were the spares that came with the clothes (I didn't actually pull them off--LOL), but you never know.

I used another image from Mo's Digital Pencil. I LOVE her!!!! Seriously I do. This image is one of my favorites. It reminds me so much of my own grandma. That woman can do am---aaa---zing things with a needle and thread. Just looking at this image makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Speaking of warm and fuzzy...did you notice the cat peeking out of the yarn basket. What a naughty kitty! You can tell it's up to something.

And sure enough, on the inside of the card, the kitty has made off with a ball of yarn (Mo drew this image too....love her!)

Thanks for looking!


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